Visit the Cooperative

The best way to experience Nicaraguan Black Pottery is through a visit to the cooperative!  The cooperative, workshop, and display room are located in the small community of Las Cureñas, just 17 kilometers northwest of the city of Jinotega.  At the cooperative, visitors have the opportunity to learn about the history of Black Pottery in Nicaragua, see the artisanal production process, and make purchases.  


T +505 8433-9132

Kilómetro 174 Carretera a San Rafael del Norte
Entrada a la Escuela Tomatoya
200 vrs. al oeste
300 vrs. al norte
Las Cureñas, Jinotega - Nicaragua

Black Pottery Tours

Standard Tours
Standard tours are for individuals or groups, and include a presentation about the history and culture of Black Pottery in Nicaragua, a pottery demonstration at the workshop, and a visit to the display room and store with an opportunity to purchase Black Pottery pieces.  Standard tours are $2 USD per person.  For group tours, please call ahead to schedule your tour. 

Custom Tours
The cooperative offers customized tour options for organized groups interested in a more in-depth learning experience.  Custom tours include the presentation and demonstration of the standard tour, with additional options such as hikes to local clay deposits, organized community projects, or preparation of local traditional foods.  Customized tours are for groups only, and require an additional fee per person.  Call for more information and to arrange a customized tour.   

Custom Tour Options
Popular custom tour options include:

  • Artisanal Coffee Roasting
  • Hand-made Tortilla Process
  • Traditional Local Cheese Production
  • Typical Bread Making
  • Local Agrucultural Production

Custom Orders

Custom Orders
The cooperative works closely with clients to create unique custom ordered Black Pottery pieces that are designed specifically for cliente's personal or business needs.  Please call for more information or to arrange a visit to the cooperative for custom orders.